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North Point Auditorium
North Point Community Church auditorium during 7:22,
Louie Giglio teaching, 1999

I was working for an Atlanta church that was growing as fast as the national debt. The decision to close my business was not made lightly but I continued to sense that God was trying to do something very different and He had my undivided attention because of the intense pain. I was numb with pain. Had I recovered and brushed myself off, and continued on as usual running my business and ignoring these promptings, I would have missed one of the most important seasons of my life that God wanted to use. By not medicating the pain of this very deep betrayal through breakneck secular ‘busyness’ God was able to heal me one layer at a time; peeling off the past while re-framing the future.

Living at a more deliberate and much slower pace throughout this traumatic event allowed me to watch God’s hand moving on my life, shuffling people and circumstances into place in His perfect timing in the precise time of need and almost always at the very last minute. I knew it was Him because no one else could do what I was seeing happen. It was remarkable to watch this process unfold adjusting to new realities; church worker rather than business owner, singleness, entirely new group and type of friends. My position provided instant access to new relationships with hundreds of single adults and I was even the one planning their entertainment so always had something fun to do and people to be around. God did not miss one detail.

One afternoon in late 1999, I was standing totally alone in the church’s main auditorium (above photo) then watched as I saw myself teaching to hundreds and hundreds of people. I was not thinking about becoming a teacher, this just happened, like an out of body experience – wide awake and watching myself on a stage teaching. (I know this sounds wierd but this is what happened). I knew exactly what city I was in teaching and it was not Atlanta. This scene replayed twice more in 2000 with no warning, searing a distinct picture of an auditorium in my mind.

Nine years later, the first week of July 2009, I met with my pastor and after explaining that I was moving from Birmingham, (I had moved there in 2002), displayed a picture of the Atlanta church auditorium filled with people and recounted the spirit scene teaching story. His response was that I had gotten what he had gotten (“Tracy, you got what I got!”) referring to his own experience with God showing him something in a supernatural fashion that confirmed a very important decision.

I put my house on the market in Birmingham, and nine months of misery later, sold it to a member of the family that owned the office complex in which my Birmingham church began. The woman walked in the door said she saw her piano in my living room (I did not have a piano in my living room), walked through twice, left and wrote a contract the next day. It was the ugliest house in an otherwise very beautiful area so I was grateful she only came over once before she wrote the contract. That was God, too. I also owned an investment condominium that I had been trying to lease for many months – my father told me that I would have to live in it if I did not get it leased before I left. The Thursday before the Saturday that I was scheduled to move, a young woman called, saw it then wanted it. She then asked if she could pay me for one full year in advance because she had no credit history. Nobody does that. There was God again. She was moving into my condominium as my movers were loading up their van at my home. These circumstances marked the beginning of another season of transition and change.

When God wants to build your spiritual muscle, He will allow you to walk through neck deep waters of opposition for a protracted period. It doesn’t feel like a gift at the time but if you survive the stretching without becoming bitter from the losses, remain yielded to the voice of God and find its purpose, it can become a gift. He will remain with you at the front of the boat – the Captain, giving you instruction, comfort, guiding, teaching, consoling, advocating, bringing connections / contacts in your path to assist you – but you must continue to row and if you actually fall in the water, you must quickly start to swim.

I love to walk along the river and watch the University’s rowing teams glide across the water and hear the coach in the opposite boat giving instruction, keeping the team in perfect rhythm to achieve their best result. This is what the Holy Spirit will do for every Believer if they will listen and not depend on the voices and the pressures of other people. Your experience is one that He customizes uniquely to you, in His own way and timing.

{ I must insure that my readers understand distinctions about the Godhead; it is Triune – The Trinity being God, Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit – a great mystery but so perfect in their individual responsibilities and assignments to each of us. It is crucial that we understand that they are separate but still the same. Jesus Christ is the Son of God, who is the Father of all things. Jesus sits even now at the right hand of Father God to intercede for His people all day and all night. He is our High Priest and mediates from heaven, a new covenant made between Himself and God on man’s behalf, and sealed with His own body and blood. The Holy Spirit is equal yet less understood, but is God and lives within each person that has accepted Jesus Christ as Son of God and understands that Jesus’ blood paid their sin debt (redemption). The Holy Spirit is a person; a Comforter, an Advocate, Teacher, Consoler. The Holy Spirit’s power is actually The One that conceived Jesus in the virgin womb of Mary, He empowered Jesus to walk to the cross, and raised Jesus from death to life.}

It is essential to attend a church that teaches on each member of the Trinity, while acknowledging the importance of the roles of each all.

Twitter: @TracyLGatewood
Follow on WordPress: http://www.sacredramblings.com
Facebook: Tracy Gatewood Sacred Ramblings
Author: Doorways of Grace: My Uncommon Journey to Healing, Wholeness and Meeting Jesus

Special Note – This article is a follow up to Part One which is essential for the clear understanding of Part Two.

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