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While in college, I made a terrible grade in psychology. So low in fact I believe the professor just felt sorry for me and passed me even though I did not earn the grade. So I claim no expertise on the subject of personalities with one exception – yours and mine are gifted to us by the Holy Spirit.

Personality has a convoluted definition and it is clear that no one else understands this mystery either – Wikipedia: Personality is defined as the characteristic sets of behaviors, cognitions, and emotional patterns that evolve from biological and environmental factors. While there is no generally agreed upon definition of personality, most theories focus on motivation and psychological interactions with one’s environment. I am not really sure what this is saying but do understand that faith can be a behavior, an emotional pattern that evolves from environmental factors. It is certainly released by interactions in one’s environment. Faith is primarily a Noun but can also be used as a Verb – By Faith, In Faith – Faith is active. The following is a definition that I find useful and requires action on the part of the person:

FAITH – The leaning of the entire human personality on Him in absolute trust and confidence in His power, Wisdom, and goodness. The assurance, confirmation, and title deed that we possess when we trust in Him.

I have written extensively about the mind, will and emotions – a package more commonly known as The Soul, as well as the importance of protecting the mind from fear and steps to take towards that goal. Protecting the mind from this constant barrage of fear and negativity in which we are living cannot be understated. The media “mockingbirds” are cawk, cawk, cawking out daily doses of catastrophe-riddled talking points that could give even the most Christ-focused person cause for concern. In this season and moving forward, we must be able to drink from a consistent flow of the well of peace to nourish and fortify our souls from all that bombards. We must learn to latch onto the soul’s anchor – Faith.

Today our globe is aflame with significant turmoil. The United States, a once relatively quiet and stable nation, has for the past 8 years been convulsing with riots, pandemic deaths, growing inflationary concerns, and political discord even hatred. Globally, we are experiencing major earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Famine has engulfed tens of millions living in third world nations as many industrialized nations have been working just to survive the pandemic, requiring their own resources to remain close at hand. And then there is Israel who is once again at war with the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas. Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system is a technological wonder that intercepts enemy missiles. To date, the Iron Dome has destroyed 200 rockets sent from Hamas to Israel in this current civil crisis. [ In my personal opinion, I believe that this war is actually a high level spiritual battle between two principalities that are warring over final control of this sacred region, manifesting through men. ]

In Ephesians 6, the Word says to “lift up your shield of faith” in order to extinguish the fiery darts of the evil one. The Amplified actually reads, Ephesians 6:16 “Lift up over all the (covering) shield of saving faith upon which you can quench all the flaming missiles of the (wicked) one. The Shield of Faith is your personal Iron Dome, a Dome powered by God’s own Spirit – the Holy Spirit. Faith triggers the release of the use of the Dome. Psalm 91:4 states – His truth and His faithfulness are a shield and a buckler. God is also faithful to defend. A shield of course is a larger protective device that can be placed over the arm. A buckler is small and used for more personal defense; lighter and swifter than a large shield. His Spirit will act as both your Iron Dome and your sword.

Iron Dome – https://youtu.be/_eSZaCHXBVA

Even though God’s Spirit lives in you – you must, by an act of your own will, take action to activate your faith – pressing your shield upwards in response to negativity, fear or anxious thoughts. Your default response to fear must be “Shields Up” in faith and to first remind yourself of God’s infinite love for you, that He will battle on your behalf (as Jehovah Nissi – Our Defender). Find a verse of scripture that pertains to your need and read it aloud. Read the verse from the position of victory and not pleading because Christ Jesus’ completed sacrifice places you securely in Him. Trust God’s word to never return void. Angelic enforcements are released by God to work on your behalf in response to His Word. Think Off-ense, Off-ense, Off-ense – NOT a defensive posture. We pray from VICTORY already Won! Thank you Jesus!

Daniel 10:12 “The he said to me, Fear not, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your mind and heart to understand and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come as a consequence of (and in response to) your words.”

Do not allow the tormenting, self-abusing (condemnation) thoughts to continue to take up any of your mind’s real estate. Never allow the enemy to move in and establish his “man cave” in your mind, hanging out all day on a sofa, watching tv, eating hamburger sliders and slurping beer while slinging darts inside your head day after day. Tell him to “Shut Up” and give him no place to linger.

The true Master of the Mind is the Spirit of God. Holy Spirit manages the control panel for our peace and operates the internal Iron Dome that quenches those fiery darts of fear, condemnation, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, worry, and the damaging effects of shame. Gain understanding by getting to know Him through time spent for there is a reason that Jesus said that it was better if He left …………..

However, I am telling you nothing but the truth when I say it is profitable (good, expedient, advantageous) for you that I go away. Because if I do not go away, the Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Advocate, Intercessor, Strengthener, Standby) will not come to you [into close fellowship with you]; but if I go away, I will send Him to you [to be in close fellowship with you]”. John 16:7 AMP

In His great Wisdom, Holy Spirit does have requirements of you in His Agreement to quench these darts – Forgiveness: you cannot hold unforgiveness and even worse, hatred, in your heart. Unbridled unforgiveness will release a sewer into the mind and He expects you to take the first step in cleaning it up – to forgive. Fear: fear is the red carpet on which all other negative emotions stride – jealousy, murderous rage, toxicity, paranoia, insecurity, trauma – there is a long list of negative emotions that impact the mind and will severely impact the physical body. There is a reason why Jesus commands, “Do not fear”. Fear will open a person’s soul to destruction. Understand that fear is a spirit with several levels that increase: anxiety, worry, panic, terror, trauma. On every level these fear- based emotions can be bound up and cast from your mind. Our minds and bodies are not wired to manage protracted, high levels of fear. (Authors Note: stress and fear are co-equals). And lastly there is Faith.

Release your fears to God and invite Him into the situation. Pray and then listen, listen, listen and watch as He directs and connects. There is no need to hang a Help Wanted sign – The Helper lives in you.

Tracy Gatewood
Sacred Ramblings
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Anchor and Spotify audio link: https://anchor.fm/sacred-ramblings/episodes/A-Personality-of-Faith-e1d7hot
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