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Few of us live with the reality that there is a spirit realm that has an ability to impact our minds through thoughts, ideas and suggestions. All thoughts, good and bad, right and wrong are not all completely generated from within our minds. Because our flesh has actually been circumcised – cut away, made separate from us [ Colossians 2:11]  we can, through the power of the Holy Spirit and because of Christ’s sacrifice take dominion and authority over our flesh and this disruptive spirit realm.

The Apostle Paul instructed the Church at Ephesus to put on the complete Armor of God as a primary source of resistance in combat against “spirit forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) spheres” Eph 6:12 AMP. “ Therefore put on God’s complete armor, that you may be able to stand your ground on the evil day (of danger) and having done all ( the crisis demands), to stand ( firmly in place). Eph 6:13 AMP  Notice the Apostle Paul says here to stand, so we must be able to do it. We must stand rooted from a position of victory, not pleading from a defeated stance. Our victory has already been won by Jesus.

A little known truth is that most disease begins from within the mind and travels through the body wrecking health – either through emotional spirits (ie fear, bitterness, condemnation, anxiety, trauma, shame, abuse)  or generational spirits that repeat patterns of disease from prior generations. Through prayer, we can take authority over spirits of disease and infirmity and the Spirit of God will move forward to do His work [ Matthew 12:28 ]. Like prayer, the partaking of the Lord’s Supper should become a daily part of times of devotion; properly discerning the Body and expressing gratitude and appreciation to Jesus for the lashes that He took, to purchase health and healing. The blood spilled from His head by the crown of thorns purchased healing, and restoration for our minds to enable rest. Prayer and the Lord’s Supper are readily available and much easier than driving to a pharmacy.

Fear is enemy #1. The spirit of fear is the red carpet on which the enemy makes a grand entrance to walk out onto the stage of a person’s mind. Fear is like oxygen to the enemy, the atmosphere in which he thrives. Both fear and condemnation open portals from hell, allowing the sewage of paranoia, bitterness, anger, malice, mistrust, confusion and even lust, and addictions to pour forth into a person.  It is for these reasons, Jesus commands us not to fear. If we remain free of fear, the enemy has nothing on which to grab hold to move us into poor decisions, and life altering reactions, or to damage our emotional or physical health.

The following is Ephesians 6:14 -18 from the Amplified version which highlights the key components of armor as described by Paul:

Eph 6:14
Stand therefore, (hold your ground), having tightened the belt of truth around your loins and having put the breastplate of integrity, and of moral rectitude and right standing with God.

The belt of Truth is Jesus Who is the Truth and the One who holds the armor together, keeping it securely in place. The breastplate of righteousness guards the heart and chest cavity.  For those who have accepted Jesus as Savior, we are the righteousness of God by faith in Christ Jesus, so therefore in right standing with God. Righteousness is a free gift that cannot be earned, nor can it be lost. Guarding the heart, which is the gateway to the soul (the soul is comprised of the mind, will and emotions), could be second in importance only to the direct protection of the mind.

Eph  6:15 And having shod your feet in preparation (to face the enemy firm-footed stability, the promptness and the readiness produced by the good news) of the Gospel of peace.

Shalom is the Hebrew word for peace. This rich Jewish word also means wholeness, safety, completeness, perfection, prosperity. Strong’s Concordance further states that shalom means rest and the absence of agitation or discord.  Jesus is Shar Shalom, the Prince of Peace and the Prince of Rest. Jesus bequeathed peace to His followers [John 14:7]. We possess it and own it by right as a gift from Him. When you are prepared you can be at peace – in peace there is no fear, and without fear, the enemy has nothing on which to grasp.

For many of us, it takes more than just the knowledge that Jesus gave us peace to actually be peaceful. Enter God’s Holy Spirit to bring a person into rest as the comforter.

Phillipians 4:6-7 AMP
Do not fret or have anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition (definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God. And God’s peace (shall be yours, that tranquil state of a soul assured of its salvation through Christ, and so fearing nothing from God and being content with its earthly lot of whatever sort is, that peace) which transcends all understanding shall garrison and mount guard over your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Ephesians vs 6:16
Lift up over all the {covering} shield of saving faith, upon which you can quench all the flaming missiles of the wicked (one).

As previously mentioned, our minds can become mine fields of thoughts, ideas and suggestions that are not our own nor are they from God. It is our responsibility to fix our focus on Jesus, keeping minds focused on things above and not beneath while standing on faith in His finished work. Faith defined in the Amplified as the leaning of the entire human personality on Him in absolute trust and confidence in His power.

Have you ever put out a candle with a wet paper napkin and heard that quick sizzle sound when the candle snuffs? That is a quench. Your faith acts as a shield around your mind, quenching harmful effects of negative thoughts, keeping them from penetrating further into your soul. Ask the Holy Spirit to apprehend every spirit that is not from the spirit of God out of your mind. This works.

Ephesians vs 6:17
And take the helmet of salvation and the sword that the Spirit wields, which is the Word of God.

Like Hebrew word Peace (Shalom), the word Salvation (Sozo) has multiple meanings translated from the Greek: healed, made whole, forgiven from sin, saved, deliverance, financial prosperity. It is a beautiful word of hope. We are seated in heavenly places and free in Christ Jesus, holding all hope; a confident expectation of good throughout any  circumstance.

When the Holy Spirit revealed to you the truth about Jesus and you asked Him into your heart, that same revealed truth and your willingness to be healed can through that same action provide your healing. The word Sozo means salvation and healing. Your mind is made whole, and healed by putting on the helmet of knowledge that Jesus’ death and resurrection was all that was required for your restoration, and that the blood of Jesus will re calibrate your mind and emotions to a state of rest and freedom if it is applied.

The Sword of the spirit is the Word of God and one of the two offensive weapons in the Armor of God prayer.  Reading the Word of God provokes a cleansing action over your mind, rinsing away dust, debris and toxic thinking that collects on a daily basis. Reading the Word aloud allows not only you to hear it but you-know-who hears it as well. Significant power is released into the atmosphere when speaking God’s Word aloud. In God’s Word there is Spirit and life! The Word, and the Blood and Name of  Jesus are the most powerful tools of weaponry for a Believer. No foe or circumstance can withstand these three sources of Holy Spirit packed dynamite.

Ephesians vs 6:18
Pray at all times (on every occasion and in every season) in the Spirit, with all manner of prayer and entreaty. To that end, keep alert and watch with strong purpose and perseverance, interceding on behalf of all the Saints (God’s consecrated people).

Praying in the Spirit refers to a heavenly language, or a prayer language, that is only revealed to God and unlocks great mysteries in and by the Spirit. We are exhorted by the Apostle Paul to use our prayer language at every opportunity and to intercede for fellow Believers. To intercede means to stand in the gap for a person, nation, or organization. We are to be very intentional with our prayer habits and intercession. We live now under the Eternal Covenant of Grace, leaning with full confidence into Jesus and the blessed assurances that have been purchased for us.

Here are the verses in sequence without my comments:  Ephesians 6:10-18 AMP

10 In conclusion, be strong in the Lord [be empowered through your union with Him]; draw your strength from Him [that strength which His boundless might provides].

11 Put on God’s whole armor [the armor of a heavy-armed soldier which God supplies], that you may be able successfully to stand up against [all] the strategies and the deceits of the devil.

12 For we are not wrestling with flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the despotisms, against the powers, against [the master spirits who are] the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spirit forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) sphere.

13 Therefore put on God’s complete armor, that you may be able to resist and stand your ground on the evil day [of danger], and, having done all [the crisis demands], to stand [firmly in your place].

14 Stand therefore [hold your ground], having tightened the belt of truth around your loins and having put on the breastplate of integrity and of moral rectitude and right standing with God,

15 And having shod your feet in preparation [to face the enemy with the [a]firm-footed stability, the promptness, and the readiness [b]produced by the good news] of the Gospel of peace.

16 Lift up over all the [covering] shield of [c]saving faith, upon which you can quench all the flaming missiles of the wicked [one].

17 And take the helmet of salvation and the sword that the Spirit [d]wields, which is the Word of God.

18 Pray at all times (on every occasion, in every season) in the Spirit, with all [manner of] prayer and entreaty. To that end keep alert and watch with strong purpose and perseverance, interceding in behalf of all the saints (God’s consecrated people).

Tracy Gatewood

Sacred Ramblings

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FACEBOOK: Tracy Gatewood Christian Writer and Teacher
SHARING LINK: https://tracylgatewood.wordpress.com/2015/06/07/healing-and-the-armor-of-god-prayer/
Amazon Author: Doorways of Grace: My Uncommon Journey to Healing, Wholeness and Meeting Jesus
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